Saturday, May 22, 2010

Bounce Fabric Bar

Ok, so I know this little fantastic bar has been around for a while now but since my blog is brand new, I have decide to make this my first post and tell you guys what a little magic piece of plastic this is! Smells fantastic, is easy to use and is not that darn expensive....especially if you get all frugal on me and use a coupon....which is another addiction of mine! Anyways.......

This product is a bar that sticks to the inside of your dryer wall and has a fabric softener bar which slides in. You do not have to remember to add your fabric softener to the rinse cycle, or throw in a dryer sheet! It's always there and ready to go.
It does wear down after about 2 months despite claims on the box that it lasts 3 months and you know it's time to replace it because the bar tells you when! The fabric softener chemical wears down with each load and the bar says "REPLACE" on it once it's time to switch it out. Nice.

It smells heavenly and is one less thing I have to worry about and let's face it, that always sounds good to me~
Stores here in the suburbs of Nashville sell this baby for about 4-5 smackaroos. And I must say, it is worth every penny!
I hope you try it and I hope you love it. See ya'll next time.